Friday 10 August 2012

Notable Mentions - August (Part 1)

So we have lots of Notable Mentions this week for you, in the first installment for the month August.

Time After Time by Ashna27

A subtly written piece of the evolution of ASR into Arnav. Perhaps not the hero-ish ASR material but a mellow more humane and somewhat grounded Arnav. The writer has woven an interesting and captivating tale of converting "repentence" into "redemption" and at the same time illustrating the beauty of human relationships. Each relationship has been elaborately and beautifully showcased and its importance in the scheme of things has been subtly established. Whether it be the children and Chachu or Jethi Ji and Payal or Bhai and Akash. They all flowed beautifully and with ease. The author's soft touch makes this piece a pleasure to read and has added a different flavour and flair to an oft-repeated story that could have so easily fallen flat, but didn't. And the gala celebration of “Power of Women” was indeed a brilliant touch and the coup d’etat. A distinguishing factor, which also makes this piece stand out is the “re-establishment” / “reinvention” / “re-discovery” of Arnav and Anjali’s relationship, which was very nicely handled. So on the whole another great piece to read and definitely recommended.

Tainted by Arisai
[Mature Content]

There are some writers from whom one expects only good things and over time the bar just keeps rising. Unfortunately for Arisai, my expectations of her have arisen tremendously and now in every genre tackled by Arisai I expect nothing less than sheer brilliance. To give credit where its due, I have not been disappointed to date! Tainted is a piece falling in the Sliding Doors category. The parallel lives of Khushi Kumari Gupta and Arnav Singh Raizada…if it weren’t so diabolically wicked as an idea it would be actually laughable how far Arisai has thrown them from their safe cocooned perfect purer than purer worlds. But however you may wish to view it, but you wont have a choice but to admire the concept and to enjoy the piece. Although very much in a development stage, but promising greatness as it unfurls its dreamy tentacles. I personally feel that its premature to discuss this piece any further. But one word to the wise, do make sure that you don't miss the literary references, it adds depth and a certain perspective / element to this piece. I wouldn't miss this for anything.

Note to the Author:  I hope that you are planning to develop this piece slowly and at leisure and for this to be a long piece of fiction rather than a short story for anything else, firstly would not practically possible with this storyline and secondly would be unfair with these kind of characters, this story and your writing.   

Strings, Tying us Together by AquaBluez17
[Mature Content]

Now this is a new one. A new concept and definitely a different kind of a story. Not what you’d expect in the beginning, but a good surprise for a jaded reader, someone who’s tired of more of the same thing. Not that this isn’t more of the same thing. It is! But its just repackaged! And repackaged, differently! Same Same, but different! Confused! Good! That means you will read it. You should. Nice storyline, well written, retains the flavour of the play and the real characters commendably. So on a whole a fully recommended piece. Kudos to the writer for coming up with this concept.

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