Friday 10 August 2012

OS Gallery - August (Part 1)

Between the Lines by Bingala

Kakori! Now why would Bingala think of Kakori…(I think of Kakori often….but then I am a glutton!!!) What a beautifully written OS! The normal the mundane impinging on the emotional yet not leaving a mark. OS have to be read to be enjoyed. Writing about them just kills them. Definitely recommended, Bingala at her best!

Homecoming by Napstermonster

Simple, sweet non complicated just a pleasure to read but an OS that's wasted if you miss the message at the end. Its like a soufflĂ©! A perfect hot souffle! Understanding the takehome message of an OS is like having that perfect soufflĂ©, a person with a discerning palette knows that a Souffle…is like no other dessert! Its pouffed up cloud manages to hold itself with pride and the nothingness has that amazingly divine taste out of sheer expertise and perfection! Same goes for an OS, only a discerning reader can fully fathom and enjoy the undertones of an OS and the “take home” message. Especially this one. Nonetheless, if you miss it, don't worry, you can enjoy the ride and the PDA of Arnav for Khushi. Wouldn't give this OS a miss.

Stains Part 1 and 3 by Arshiarnav1741

The surprise entry in the OS Gallery, the newcomer. But what a brilliant piece. Part 1 is sheer brilliance in concept. The interplay of coffee, stains and life as the two know it. I would give Part 2 a miss. I found the concept so great that I have been ignored all other aspects that could perhaps be worked upon.

I have just realized, my reviews of OS for some reason turning out to be rather food oriented, what with the introduction to the OS Gallery starting out with Sushi and this one having such a detailed discussion on Souffle. Its not a conscious decision, it just kind of happens! But hey what what the heck, you can just chalk it off to Ramadan or me just being a foodie! 

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